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Teens Take the Lead

Building Consent Culture

The Teens Take the Lead: Building Consent Culture workshop is designed to empower teenagers with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to establish healthy relationships, set personal boundaries, and respect the autonomy of others. By creating a safe and supportive space for dialogue and learning, this workshop intends to foster a generation of youth who prioritize consent, communication, and empathy, thus contributing to a more respectful and inclusive society. With the tools gained from this workshop, teens will be better equipped to navigate interpersonal challenges, laying the foundation for positive and healthy relationships throughout their lives.




  1. To educate teens with a comprehensive understanding of consent and its pivotal role in fostering a healthier and more inclusive society. 

  2. To empower teens with the confidence to practice consent in their daily lives, engage in open discussions about it, and become advocates for building consent culture in their communities.

  3. To foster a safe space for dialogue, self-reflection, and growth through critical thinking exercises that promote healthy relationships with ourselves and others. 




By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Define consent and recognize different forms of coercion.

  2. Understand their own boundaries and how to respect the boundaries of others.

  3. Confidently express their boundaries and accept rejection graciously.


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Who is this workshop designed for? 

This workshop is suggested for anyone who is between 7th-12th grade. I typically do it in groups of 7th and 8th graders together, and groups of high schoolers together. 


How long is the workshop? 

I suggest a full 90 minutes; however, it can be as short as 45-60 minutes if necessary. 


What do I need to bring? 

Something to write with and on (e.g., a pen and notebook). I will have extra supplies in case anyone forgets. Beverages and non-distracting food items are welcome too. 


Will this workshop be scary? 

This workshop is overwhelmingly positive because we have the opportunity 

to nurture teens into becoming leaders, advocating for consent and creating positive change in their social circles and beyond. The workshop will be informative, fun and even funny at times! I assure you that there will be plenty of giggling. 


Why is this important? 

To empower teenagers with a comprehensive understanding of consent and its pivotal role in fostering a healthier and more inclusive society.


Through this work, I aspire to spark a transformative movement where young people actively promote consent, paving the way for a safer, more respectful, and empathetic culture for everyone.   


Who is the instructor? 

That's me, Helen Quinn Pasin. Please check out my sexuality

educator credentials here:










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